2022, Number 285
Proposal of an evaluative instrument for the presentations of the Festival of the Class in medical sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-8
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Introduction: the non-existence of defined methodological criteria to evaluate the presentations in the Festival of the Class in medical sciences is a historical problem at the national level.Objective: to design and validate an evaluation instrument for the Festival of the Class presentations in the medical sciences.
Method: an investigation of technological development of an evaluative instrument was carried out for the presentations of the Festival of the Class for the careers of the medical sciences. The universe was constituted by 14 professors of the court of the X Festival of the Class of the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba. The research consisted of three stages: design, application and validation. Theoretical referents on the subject were consulted. The application was carried out during the event and, once the presentations were finished, a survey was delivered for the individual analysis of the instrument. The resulting information was analyzed, which allowed its improvement and validation. The calculation of absolute and relative frequencies of the results obtained was performed.
Results: the instrument was made with two dimensions: evaluation of the written report and evaluation of the defense of the class. 11 teachers (78.57%) rated the instrument as "excellent" and 100% found it easy to use.
Conclusions: the evaluative instrument for the presentations of the Festival of the Class in the medical sciences turned out to be effective and reliable, at the same time that it provides uniformity criteria to the courts and, with this, contributes to eliminate the subjectivity that can mediate in the process. evaluative.
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