2022, Number 285
Scientific production of the April 16 Magazine during the years 2020-2021
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 357.81 Kb.
Introduction: bibliometric studies are useful and objective tools to evaluate the quality of scientific production in any area of research.Objective: to describe the scientific production published in the Revista 16 de abril from January 2020 to December 2021.
Method: a bibliometric, observational, descriptive study was carried out from January 2020 to December 2021. The The universe consisted of 160 articles published in the journal. The variables were studied: year of publication, publication number, country and province of origin of the main author, number of authors per article, typology of the article, number of references, age of the references, languages of the references and subject matter of the article.
Results: 58.8% of the articles (94) were published in 2021. 93.1% (149) were of national production. Havana was the province that contributed the most articles (25%). 90.6% had multiple authorship, articles with 4 or more authors (39.3%) stood out. Original articles predominated (53.1%). 2775 references were used, with an average of 17.3 per article and 26% in English. The Price index was between 0.19 and 0.82. There was a predominance of articles on COVID-19 (15%).
Conclusions: The year 2021 showed a significant increase in the number of articles published. Havana led the scientific production with a predominance of original articles with multiple authorship. The bibliographic references were predominantly in Spanish with a low Price Index.
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Díaz-Samada RE, Vitón-CastilloAA, Pérez-Capote.A, Casín-RodriguezSM, Rondón-Costa LA, Hernández-Jiménez D. Acercamiento ala producción científica sobre cirugíapublicada en las Revistas CientíficasEstudiantiles Cubanas, 2014-2018.16 de Abril [Internet]. 2020 [citado21/08/2022]; 59 (277):e910. Disponibleen: http://www.rev16deabril.sld.cu/index.php/16_4/article/view/910.
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Landrove-Escalona EA,Fajardo-Quesada AJ, Mitjans-HernándezD, Hernández-González EA,Palomino-Cabrera A, Avila-Díaz D.Producción científica de los estudiantesde las ciencias médicas deLas Tunas en revistas científicasestudiantiles cubanas. Univ MédPinareña [Internet]. 2022 [citado21/08/2022]; 18(2):e851. Disponibleen: http://www.revgaleno.sld.cu/index.php/ump/article/view/851
Vitón-Castillo AA, González-Vázquez LA, Benítez-Rojas LC,Lazo-Herrera LA. Producción científicasobre COVID-19 en revistasestudiantiles cubanas. Rev cubainf cienc salud [Internet]. 2021 [citado21/05/2022]; 31(4):e1647.Disponible en: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2307-21132020000400002&lng=esç
Ramos-Cordero AE, Cecilia-Paredes EE, Otaño-Rodríguez K,Herrera-Miranda GL, Paz-Paula E.Producción científica sobre temasde Medicina Interna en la revistaUniversidad Médica Pinareña. UnivMed Pinareña [Internet]. 2020 [citado21/05/2022]; 16(2):e437. Disponibleen: http://www.revgaleno.sld.cu/index.php/ump/article/view/437
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