2022, Number 285
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16 de abril 2022; 61 (285)
Environmental risk factors associated with the appearance of neoplasms of the digestive system
Ramírez-Zamora CB, González-Roque E, López-Sotelo A
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 274.07 Kb.
Introduction: colon cancer is the third most common type of cancer diagnosed in the world.
Objective: to characterize the risk
perception of colon cancer in patients of the medical office No. 27 of the Vedado Teaching Polyclinic in the Plaza municipality.
Method: an observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in the family doctor's office No.27 belonging to the
Vedado Teaching Polyclinic, from January to March 2021. The universe consisted of 56 patients with an age equal to or greater
than at 50 years and no sample was selected. The data was collected through a survey and analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Results: the age group between 60 to 79 years (53.6%), the female sex (76.8%) and the university school level (42.9%) prevailed.
50% consider it unlikely to be diagnosed with colon cancer. Most perceive family history of cancer as the main risk factor (80%)
and 43 of them perceive alcoholism as a habit associated with colon cancer.
Conclusions: the real perception of having colon cancer is low and decreases considerably if there are no symptoms, intestinal problems or family history. In general, there is an
improvable knowledge about the disease, its risk factors and the existence of early detection tests for colon cancer.
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