2024, Number 4
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Salud Mental 2024; 47 (4)
Validation and Adaptation of the Spanish Version of Cancer Survivors’ Unmet Needs survey (CaSUN-MX) for Use in the Mexican Adult Oncology Population
Mazatán OR, Torres AC, Zayas-Villanueva OA, Reynoso GOU, Fraga-Sastrias Juan-Manuel, Sierra-Murguía MA
Language: English
References: 26
Page: 151-160
PDF size: 242.93 Kb.
Introduction. Cancer survivorship in Mexico is a research topic that is still in its infancy. No specific studies
have been found on the needs of this population, meaning that there are no validated scales in the Mexican
population measuring the needs of cancer survivors.
Objective. To validate and adapt the Cancer Survivors’
Unmet Needs survey, Spanish version (CaSUN-Mx) for use in the Mexican adult oncology population.
Method. One hundred and eighty participants answered the questionnaire (CaSUN-S). For the analysis, the
study was divided into three phases: content validity, construct validity, and internal consistency analysis.
Results. The final version of the adapted questionnaire (CaSUN-Mx) has 34 items and one open question.
It was divided into five factors with a total Cronbach’s Alpha of .95 and a value of over .85, in all the subscales
(psychological care, comprehensive and collaborative care, practical and information needs, and
those associated with effects.
Discussion and conclusion. The CaSUN-Mx questionnaire has content
validity because it has been adequately linguistically and culturally adapted, and construct validity because
of its factorial structure, and reliability, making it suitable for use in the Mexican adult oncology population.
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