2024, Number 4
The Crucial Intersection: Understanding Obesity, Mental Health, and Weight Stigma in Mental Health Care
Language: English
References: 33
Page: 147-149
PDF size: 133.43 Kb.
Text Extraction
The link between obesity and mental health is complex and often overlooked (Sharma, 2012). Although, there are many gaps in the literature, there is an understanding that a bi-directional relationship between obesity and mental health exists (Taylor et al., 2020). On the one hand, some individuals with obesity present with a wide range of mental health conditions, which can promote weight gain and act as significant barriers to obesity treatment (Taylor et al., 2012). On the other hand, studies indicate that some patients with mental illness have higher rates of obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes than the general population (Taylor et al., 2008).Mental illness can increase the risk of obesity in many ways and heighten the risk of cardiometabolic diseases. For example, somatic symptoms of depression such as sleep and appetite alterations have been associated with diabetes, erectile dysfunction, and hypercholesterolemia (Ditmars et al., 2022). Some mental health conditions are also associated with unhealthy behaviours such as smoking, alcohol, and drug use. It is estimated that about 20% of people with a mental illness have a co-occurring substance use problem (Rush et al., 2008).
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