2022, Number 2
Latin American and Caribbean Continental Student Organization, 55 years representing the Latin American student movement
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-12
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Introduction: the Latin American and Caribbean Continental Organization of Students since its foundation, fights in defense of university autonomy, freedom, plurality of the academy and public education. It promotes and develops the effective solidarity of students in their struggle against imperialism.Objective: to describe the role of the Latin American and Caribbean Continental Organization of Students in representation of Latin American student movements.
Method: a search for information was carried out between October 2020 and February 2021; available articles were reviewed on Scopus, SciELO and Redalyc databases. About 63 items were found, of which 27 met the inclusion criteria of the research.
Development: founded in the IV Latin American Congress of Student Associations, on August 11, 1966 in Havana, with the University Student Federation of Cuba as president until today. The Latin American and Caribbean Student Congresses continued to be held in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, discussing the organization’s guidelines of work for the next periods, agreeing on actions of solidarity with peoples oppressed by imperialism and in processes of struggles for national emancipation, Conclusions: as well as reaffirming the founding principles of OCLAE.
Conclusions: the Latin American and Caribbean Continental Organization of Students is one of the Latin American organizations that advocate the integration of the region, defend and fight for social gains, free and equal access for all students.
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