2024, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (4)
Mexico’s Universal Vaccination Program, challenges and proposals for improvement
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 606-615
PDF size: 260.69 Kb.
Despite the efforts made by the coordinators and operators
of Mexico’s Universal Vaccination Program (PVU, in Spanish),
at all levels, a complex and extensive program like this
always encounters barriers that are a challenge to achieving
and maintaining the expected success. Every PVU requires
structural, functional and financial growth that guarantees the
acquisition of enough vaccines and that they reach the target
person, at the right time and with quality assurance. With the
objective of identifying challenges of the PVU and propose
improvement actions, the Undersecretary of Prevention
and Health Promotion and the National Center for Child
and Adolescent Health (Censia, in Spanish) requested the
National Institute of Public Health (INSP, in Spanish) and the
Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization
(PAHO/WHO), office of Representation in Mexico, to
convene a group of independent national and international
experts, to hold a dialogue and analysis with federal and state
personnel who direct and operate the PVU. This manuscript
describes a summary of the topics presented, relevant elements
of the discussion and general recommendations.
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