2024, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (4)
National care system for the elderly
García-Peña C, Gutiérrez-Robledo LM, García-Chanes RE, López-Ortega M, Sosa-Tinoco E
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 598-605
PDF size: 248.54 Kb.
While the debate on the national care system is gaining
momentum in the academic and political spheres, it’s important
to note that the issues of gender and child care often
overshadow the component concerning the elderly, which
needs a more thorough analysis. This article aims to support
constructing a care agenda that prioritizes older people. It
presents arguments in favor of care, understood as a right,
and discusses the burden of disease as being responsible for
dependency and a consequence of long periods of need for
care. The concept of care is analyzed, along with its distinction
between long-term care and palliative care. A different
perspective is proposed to calculate dependency beyond
the number of affected activities of daily living (ADL). In
addition, the national and intergenerational situation of the
care systems is presented, specifically long-term, which in
Mexico is non-existent, and critical points to integrate the
system are reviewed, such as legislation and regulations
for residences, training and certification of older people,
and incorporation of the community approach. Given the
context of inequality, social backwardness, increasing health
needs, and a rapidly aging population, it is imperative to
reform the care system by integrating the health system
with the social care system.
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