2022, Number 2
Educational program Smiles from the womb, for pregnant women from a maternal home
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 318-332
PDF size: 871.07 Kb.
Introduction: a maternal home is an essential place where health education should be provided and future mothers should be guided about their oral health and its repercussions on them and on their future baby.Objective: to design an educational oral health program for pregnant women at the Maternal Home of Cabaiguán, in the province of Sancti Spíritus.
Materials and methods: qualitative research of educational intervention carried out between January and March 2020. The study unit consisted of 20 pregnant women admitted to the Maternal Home of Cabaiguán.
Results: a program for future mothers that approaches the oral component of health focused on two variants: the oral health of the pregnant woman and the oral health of the future baby, was structured in eight educational sessions.
Conclusions: the proposed program can be implemented in maternal homes, which are ideal spaces for fulfilling the proposed activities; it can contribute to significant changes in oral health knowledge in this prioritized group.
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