2024, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (4)
Non-fatal road traffic injuries
Valdés-Méndez JA, Martínez-Nolasco MA, Gómez-Dantés H, Pérez-Ferrer C, Gómez-Torres R, Hidalgo-Solórzano E
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 511-519
PDF size: 303.89 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the prevalence of non-fatal road
traffic injuries (RTIs), their characteristics, trend and consequences
in the Mexican population.
Materials and
methods. A descriptive study using data from the National
Health and Nutrition Survey (Ensanut Continua 2021-2023),
designed with probabilistic, multistage, and stratified sampling.
The prevalence of RTIs by sex, age group, region,
residence area, well-being index, and type of road user was
estimated, as the proportion of use of protective measures
and health consequences.
Results. The prevalence of
non-fatal RTIs was 1.31% (95%CI: 1.1,1.5), approximately
1.6 million individuals, of whom more than 90% required
medical attention and 28.4% reported a permanent health
consequence. They were more frequent in urban areas and
the regions of Estado de México and Peninsula (79.1, 15.1,
and 14.1%, respectively), in males (71.1%), and in motorcycle
Conclusions. The increase in the prevalence of nonfatal
RTIs and the persistence of risky road safety behaviors
underline the urgency of strengthening public policies and
their implementation.
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