2024, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (4)
Malnutrition in children under five years of age
Rivera-Dommarco JA, Cuevas-Nasu L, Bonvecchio-Arenas A, Unar-Munguía M, Gómez-Acosta LM, Muñoz-Espinosa A, García-Feregrino R, Ávila-Arcos MA, Méndez-Gómez-Humarán I, Ávila-Curiel A, Galindo-Gómez C, Shamah-Levy T
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 395-403
PDF size: 285.93 Kb.
Objective. To analyze the trends of malnutrition in children
under five years of age in Mexico from 1988 to 2023 and to
discuss the possible causes of the observed trends.
and methods. Information about nutritional status and
sociodemographic variables from 5 987 children under five
years of age from the National Health and Nutrition Surveys
during the period 2020-2023 was analyzed and compared with
the results of previous surveys.
Results. The prevalence
of underweight, stunting, wasting, and overweight was 3.9%,
13.9%, 1.2%, and 7.7% in 2020-2023. The highest percentages
of stunting were observed in indigenous vs. non-indigenous
households (27.4%) (p›0.10), with severe food insecurity
vs. food security (20.7%) (p=0.079), quintiles of very low vs.
high well-being conditions (20.8%), and rural vs. urban areas
(16.9%) (p›0.10). Only 37.4% of households with children
under five years of age are beneficiaries of one or more
social programs.
Conclusions. Malnutrition plateaued in
2012 and overweight has increased. The situation of poverty
in households with children under five years old, the increase
in the complexity of
Prospera and the reduction in funding
per beneficiary between 2012-2018, and since 2018 the lack
of targeted programs and specific transfers to households
with children under five years old, and the increase in the
absence of basic health services, among others, could explain
this situation.
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