2022, Number 2
Anthropometry, its usefulness in the prevention and diagnosis of high blood pressure
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 551.01 Kb.
Introduction: high blood pressure occupies one of the first places in the morbidity and mortality rates in almost all the countries all over the world. The inclusion of anthropometric protocols for estimating body fat contributes to a better recognition of the risk of HBP, facilitating its prevention and control.Objective: to update some aspects related to anthropometry and its usefulness in the assessment of the risk of suffering from hypertension.
Methods: a review was carried out in Websites such as IntraMed, PubMed, Cochrane Library, ScienceDirect and ClinicalKey, among others, using search strategies with MeSH terms.
Conclusions: the usefulness of anthropometry in the assessment and identification of factors associated with the development of high blood pressure was confirmed.
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