2022, Number 2
Scientific leadership in health sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 462.53 Kb.
Introduction: scientific research is a process developed by research groups where the presence of a leader is important.Objective: to analyze the characteristics of scientific leadership and its impact on the development of health sciences.
Methods: relevant studies were searched and chosen in digital databases such as Medline, Virtual Health Library, SciELO and reviewing digital books, using the words: leader, scientific leadership, research groups and health sciences. A total of 139 articles were found and 30 were chosen that addressed the subject matter.
Development: the National Health System is a pillar in Cuban scientific development. The entities having national subordination are ahead of the primary and secondary levels of the sector in terms of scientific leadership and their impact on research, in spite of the opportunities they offer and the majority number of projects being developed by the latter.
Conclusions: in the institutes and hospitals of national subordination there is a correspondence between leadership and scientific production. It is necessary the materialization of scientific leaders at the primary and secondary levels capable of generating ideas, unity and motivation in the groups of professionals with research real potential to increase scientific productivity in these institutions, and positively impact on their social purpose. The activity carried out by prestigious scientific leaders at the head of different research groups during COVID-19 pandemic has been an example of the impact that can be achieved on scientific productivity for the health sciences in a short period of time.
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