2024, Number 4
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (4)
Transcutaneous electrostimulation in the sacral region in patients with overactive urinary bladder
Cuevas AJO, Diaz GL, Aguilar ARJ, Ramos ZJA, Sánchez SF
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 278-285
PDF size: 236.25 Kb.
Objective: To know the clinical evolution with sacral transcutaneous electrical neural
stimulation therapy in patients with overactive bladder (OAB).
Materials and Methods: Retrospective cohort study of patients diagnosed with
OAB who received treatment with TENS.
Results: Nineteen patients with OAB were included, 12 female and 7 male. Follow-up
was 12 to 32 months. Thirteen of the 19 cases received prior treatment with anticholinergics
and / or botulinum toxin type A.
The frequency and daytime urinary incontinence improved by 100% and 87.5% respectively.
Chronic constipation was completely corrected in all cases (100%) with laxative
and TENS management. In enuresis associated with OAB, the response to TENS was low.
Conclusions: OAB symptoms showed good results with TENS management, without
collateral effects. The combination of laxative with TENS seems to improve constipation.
TENS should be considered the better initial option rather than the anticholinergic
therapy in the management of children with OAB because don`t have collateral effects.
In enuresis with OAB, the response is low with TENS. It`s necessary a study with more
cases to confirm these results.
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