2022, Number 2
Bilateral tooth cyst in pediatric ages
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1-11
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Introduction: Dentigerous or follicular cysts are odontogenic cysts of epithelial origin. The dentigerous cyst is the most common after the root cyst. It is always associated with the crown of a developing, unerupted or retained tooth. There are very few publications of multiple tooth cysts in pediatric age, and they usually occur only in the jaw.Objective: Present a rare clinical case in pediatric ages.
Case Presentation: A 6-year-old male patient is presented. Clinically, a non-painful swelling related to the first non-erupted mandibular permanent molars was observed. Radiographically, he presented a unilocular radiolucent area related to the crown of 36 and 46 and the bone cortical was preserved. The enucleation of both cystic processes was performed. The initial diagnosis given with the clinical and radiographic findings was confirmed by histopathological study, which revealed dentigenous cysts.
Conclusions: The clinical absence of permanent teeth in the pediatric patient should be studied radiographically to rule out the presence of cystic lesions, such as the clinical case presented, since it is one of the most common causes in this population. Complete removal of the tooth cyst along with the tooth involved foresees recurrence and the possible formation of other lesions of more aggressive behavior.
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