2022, Number 2
Hemangiomas in the pediatric population of Camagüey province
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1-11
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Introduction: Children’s hemangiomas are the most common benign tumors inchildhood. Most are not present at birth, although there may be a precursor lesion.Objective: Characterize from the clinical and epidemiological perspective patients with hemangiomas in Camagüey province.
Methods: Descriptive study of patients with hemangiomas who attended "Eduardo Agramonte Piña" Hospital’s consultation between January 2019 and January 2020. The diagnosis was based on the clinical manifestations referred by the parents of the patients, as well as on the positive data to the dermatological examination. A data collection sheet was prepared that allowed the information to be organized and became the definitive record of the research. The results were expressed in absolute numbers and percentages.
Results: There was a predominance in infants aged 0 to 3 months with 19 patients (95%). From the female sex, 14 cases (70%) were diagnosed. A predominance of white-skinned infants was found in 14 children (70%). 60% of the total had a single lesion. The most frequent locations were the face with 15 patients (46.9%) and trunk with 10 cases (31.3%).
Conclusions: In the Camagüey province, children’s hemangiomas predominated in children under three months of age, of the female sex and with white skin. The most frequent locations are the face and the scalp. More than half of the patients had just a single lesion.
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