2022, Number 2
Epidemiologic and anatomopathologic study of uveal melanoma
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-9
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Objective: To determine the epidemiologic and anatomopathologic behavior of uveal melanoma.Methods: Descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study in patients enucleated for diagnosis of uveal melanoma in the Ophthalmologic Center of Villa Clara from January 2010 to May 2021.
Results: The average age of presentation of uveal melanoma was 61.3 years. Women were slightly more affected than men-56.3%. 81.3 percent of uveal melanomas originated in the choroid. Epithelioid and spindle cell tumors were the most representative; both with 37.5%. The average thickness and basal diameter of the tumors studied were 11.2mm and 15.8mm respectively; medium-sized tumors prevailed with 56.3%. Tumor infiltration was found in 37.5% of the eyes, scleral infiltration was the most frequent.
Conclusions: Uveal melanoma occurs more frequently in people with advanced age and in the choroid. Histological study confirms the diagnosis in all cases. Approximately 2/3 of the tumors with some degree of infiltration are large and half are epithelioid cells.
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