2024, Number 6
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Med Int Mex 2024; 40 (6)
Health effects and risks of arsenic exposure
Gutiérrez JL, Reyna SK, Cota PC, Sosa UB, López RCA, Torres BO
Language: Spanish
References: 53
Page: 356-364
PDF size: 218.40 Kb.
Background: Arsenic is an omnipresent and highly toxic metalloid that can impair
quality of life or lead to death. It is found pure or in combination with other metals in
trace concentrations in all natural environments and in high concentrations in deep
aquifers, in addition to different environments that are rapidly polluted by anthropogenic
Objetives: To describe the biological, cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of arsenic
on human being.
Methodology: A simple bibliographic review was carried out. Databases such as
PubMed, Toxichem Krimtech, Clinical-key, and Academic Google were used. Articles
in English, Spanish and German, done from 1993 to 2021, national and international,
were included. The search words used were: As, arsenic, inorganic, genotoxicity,
cytotoxicity, toxicity, intoxication, epigenetics, exposure, micronuclei, biomarkers,
DNA damage, and human.
Results: There were included 56 articles. Millions of people are exposed to arsenic.
The inorganic forms, specifically the trivalent, are the most harmful. This metalloid
causes several diseases mainly due to oxidative stress.
Conclusions: Arsenic is an international public health problem that affects millions
of people. This problem is not addressed with the necessary measures to mitigate the
deleterious effects of this metalloid.
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