2024, Number 07
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2024; 92 (07)
Analysis of 5,789 trophectoderm biopsies: clinical outcomes and pregnancy probability in preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy cycles
Calull BA, González OC, Cancino VP, Ramírez MAA, Gutiérrez GAM, Gutiérrez GAM
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 275-284
PDF size: 198.40 Kb.
Objective: To analyze the rate of euploidy, clinical outcomes, and the probability of
achieving pregnancy as a function of maternal age, biopsied blastocysts, and embryo
Materials and Methods: Retrospective and descriptive study performed to
evaluate trophectoderm biopsies from cycles with preimplantation genetic testing for
aneuploidy of patients seen at Vida Genetics (León, Guanajuato) from November 2017
to March 2023.
Resultados: 5,789 trophectoderm biopsies from 1,442 cycles of preimplantation genetic
testing for aneuploidy by massive sequencing were evaluated in women aged 18 to 48
years. The overall euploidy rate per cycle was 36.3%, aneuploidy 57.2%, and mosaicism
6.5%. The euploidy rate decreased with increasing maternal age (75.0% at 18 years, 0%
at 47-48 years). Good quality embryos had a higher euploidy rate (50.0%) compared to
fair quality (47.0%) and poor quality (31.7%) (p ‹ 0.0001). Embryos biopsied on day 5
had higher euploidy rates (42.7%) compared to day 6 (32.0%) and day 7 (27.2%) (p ‹
0.0001). The clinical pregnancy rate was 60.4%, implantation 57.2% and miscarriage
11.2%. The probability of achieving at least one euploid embryo was higher in patients
with a higher number of biopsied blastocysts. The probability of achieving pregnancy
with a euploid embryo was influenced by the quality of the transferred embryo.
Conclusions: The association between advanced maternal age and the rate of
aneuploidy is confirmed. The influence of embryo quality and day of biopsy on the
outcome of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy and the importance of
embryo quality for treatment success rates are highlighted.
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