2024, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2024; 47 (3)
Comparing the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) and the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS) 2.0 in children and adolescents
de la Peña FR, Escalona MP, Ulloa Palacios-Cruz L, Palacio JD, Mayer P, Diaz R, Rosetti MF
Language: English
References: 32
Page: 137-143
PDF size: 166.38 Kb.
Introduction. The DSM-5 replaced the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) with the World Health Organization
Disability Assessment Questionnaire (WHODAS) 2.0 as a measure of functioning because of the
shortcomings of the former. However, further evidence of how GAF and WHODAS 2.0 scores are correlated
and how both instruments are associated with sociodemographic and clinical variables. particularly in children
and adolescents, is required to support this change.
Objective. To correlate GAF and WHODAS 2.0 scores in a
sample of children and adolescents, and to determine which sociodemographic and clinical variables are associated
with the scores of each instrument.
Method. Using reports obtained from a secondary database analysis
of a cross-sectional, multicentric study, we calculated the correlation between WHODAS 2.0 and GAF scores in
a clinical sample of children and performed a general linear model analysis to evaluate the association between
the sociodemographic and clinical variables with functioning scores.
Results. Sixty-six participants completed
the evaluation. The correlation between WHODAS 2.0 and GAF (r = -.69, 95% CI = [-.82, -.49], p ‹ .001) was
moderate to large and significant. Only poor peer relationships and a higher number of diagnoses were significantly
associated with low functioning in both instruments. The results suggest that WHODAS 2.0 and GAF
scores reflect different aspects of functioning and disability.
Discussion and conclusion. Both instruments can
provide an accurate assessment of disability/functionality. We propose that, for pediatric cases, WHODAS could
provide more information on the self-care domain
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