2024, Number 4
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2024; 67 (4)
Natural Antioxidants and their Effect Against Oxidative Stress Caused by Particulate Matter Pollution
Cervantes-Valencia ME, López-Valdez N, Rojas-Lemus M, González-Villalva A, Morales-Ricardes G, Bizarro-Nevares P, Ustarroz-Cano M, Salgado-Hernández JÁ, Mendoza-Martínez S, Lamas-Orozco LM, Fortoula TI
Language: Spanish
References: 73
Page: 7-20
PDF size: 2282.63 Kb.
Environmental pollution can promote oxidative stress by
exposing the body to various elements and substances that
generate free radicals, such as lead and vanadium. These
free radicals can negatively impact the respiratory, cardiovascular,
immune, and neurological systems of vulnerable
populations, including children, the elderly, and those with
chronic diseases. To prevent or reduce oxidative stress, it is
recommended to consume a balanced diet rich in natural
antioxidants. These antioxidants can be found in various
foods, especially in fruits and vegetables with intense colors,
seeds, and spices. In recent decades, the effectiveness
of consuming natural antioxidants such as resveratrol (found
in wine), coffee, curcumin, garlic, vitamin C, vitamin E, and
green tea has been demonstrated. These antioxidants have
beneficial effects on the body, including the protection of
cell membranes, regulation of gene expression associated
with inflammation, prevention or reduction of endothelial
damage, and the decrease or diminished severity of neurodegeneration,
liver, and pulmonary disorders. Additionally,
they stimulate the immune response.
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