2024, Number 51
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (51)
An innovative experience in of medicalsocial integration in the training of doctors
Lozano PFR
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 102-108
PDF size: 473.45 Kb.
In this article some historical precedents are exposed
based on the role that the social determinants of health
play and its influence in the medical practice and in the
medical education; how these have turned into the cornerstone
in the analysis of the current problems of health and
the endorsement (support) that represents that the World
Health Organization (WHO) has adopted this perspective
and that is a recommendation in order that the governments
take them into account in the development of their
health policies, but as foundation in the formation of human
resources in health, towards an integral comprehension of
the Health-Disease Process and the need of perspectives
changes, skills and attitudes of the future physicians.
We analyze some foundations and principles of experiences
that have tried to bring to the curriculums
and résumés this new vision, its achievements and
Based on a critical and autocritical questioning of our
own and external experiences, we raised the need to
overcome weaknesses in the comprehension of the role
of the social and human sciences and its integration in
the Medical Degree. We broadly describe our two years’
experience of linkage of these in the résumé and practice
in the formation of our students with the creation and
implementation of a Seminar of Socio-psychobiological
Integration in the first four semesters of the degree within
the new medical surgeon curriculum (2016), of the Faculty
of Higher Studies Iztacala, of the National Autonomous
University of Mexico (UNAM). Finally, we make some
observations prior to an evaluation of the seminar, in the
framework of a curricular evaluation that is in process.
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