2024, Number 51
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (51)
Sleep quality, daytime sleepiness and insomnia in medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Rubio-Zapata HA, Vela-Ordoñez D, Pérez-Herrera NE, Estrella-Castillo DF
Language: English
References: 24
Page: 93-101
PDF size: 556.23 Kb.
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic represented a
challenge for medical education. Online education was
the best alternative to avoid the risk of transmission of the
virus. However, confinement, uncertainty, fear and various
family and economic problems had an impact on the
physical and mental health of the most population. The
aim of the study was to describe sleep quality, insomnia,
and daytime sleepiness among medical students from
Yucatan, Mexico, during COVID-19 pandemic.
Methodology: A cross-sectional and analytical study was
designed with a probabilistic sample of 114 medicine students
who electronically completed the Pittsburgh Sleep
Quality, Epworth sleepiness scale, and Insomnia Severity
Index questionnaires, from September to December 2021.
Results: 74.5% of the students had poor sleep quality,
without differences between ages, sex, or hours of sleep.
The subjective quality of sleep was correlated with the
result of the questionnaire. On bad sleepers, the time for
initiating sleep (latency) was more than twice compared
to good sleepers. Insomnia was associated with poor
sleep quality (OR 54, CI 95% 6.9-417 p ‹ .001). Students
referred to excessive homework (18%) family/personal
problems (15%) and worry about exams (7%), and others
as causes of insomnia. Daytime sleepiness occurred in
64% of the students and associated with bad sleep quality
(OR 3.12; CI 95% 1.3-7.47, p = 0.01).
Conclusion: In conclusion, during the pandemic, most
of the medicine students presented poor quality of sleep,
insomnia and daytime sleepiness, despite having online
classes at their homes.
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