2024, Number 51
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (51)
Validity evidence of an instrument to assess the teachers’ digital competence in medical education
Massieu PA, Díaz Barriga-Arceo F, Sánchez MM, Martínez GA
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 82-92
PDF size: 633.49 Kb.
Introduction: Currently, the leading role of information
and communication technologies (ICT), as well as the
characteristics of the new generations of students and
the health challenges worldwide, require that teachers
have the necessary training in digital teaching competence.
The current work aims to create an instrument that
measures the teachers’ digital competence in Medical
Education and find its validity evidence.
Objective: Develop a tool to assess teacher’s digital competence
and find its validity evidence.
Method: An initial instrument of 42 items was built and
to find the validity evidence, the recommendations and
steps proposed by international guidelines were followed,
which include literature review, focus groups, synthesis,
drafting, validation by experts, cognitive interviews and
pilot test.
Results: The degree of agreement was calculated, among
10 experts, regarding the clarity, coherence and relevance
of the items. Subsequently, a tree of categories was completed
and the coding, grouping of testimonies by categories
and subsequent analysis of the cognitive interviews
continued. From the pilot test, 65 responses were obtained.
Internal validity was confirmed by calculating Cronbach’s
alpha, obtaining a result of 0.905. Subsequently, the exploratory
factorial analysis with the principal component extraction
method and the Varimax rotation method, yielded
a KMO of 0.642 and a Bartlett’s sphericity test of 0.001.
Conclusions: An instrument was built that gathers sufficient
validity evidence to be used to measure the teachers’
digital competence in Medical Education.
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