2024, Number 51
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (51)
Comparative study between the forensic medicine course programs offered by Costa Rican universities
Flores SG, Leiva GK, Alvarado GAT, Rodríguez LAG
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 72-81
PDF size: 499.52 Kb.
Introduction: There are university curricular and extracurricular
factors that can affect the specialization interests of
medical students in a certain specialty, it is proposed that
curriculum can help increase awareness and understanding,
and reduce stigma in relation to typically deserted
medical specialties.
Objective: Compare the curriculum of the undergraduate
course in forensic medicine and characteristics in medical
schools to identify factors associated with the choice of
this specialty by their graduates, which are susceptible
to teaching intervention.
Method: Document analysis was carried out as a qualitative
research method, of the forensic medicine course
programs of five Costa Rican universities. Extracurricular
and curricular aspects of the courses were considered.
The variables were categorized by university and a descriptive
analysis of the results was carried out.
Results: The thematic areas of the contents and the
evaluation methodology are similar. Not all programs establish
course requirements and corequisites and when
they are included, they are different, the number of hours
per week and the number of weeks of the courses is not
always the same, private university courses are singleteacher
and most of them do not include practices or
clerkships. Due to the particularities of each university,
each one presents different challenges for its teachers,
the majority of private universities related to the inclusion
of practices or clerkships, which is not a solution in itself,
as it requires adequate preparation.
Conclusions: The University of Costa Rica has the most
complete forensic medicine curriculum in the sense that
it includes, in addition to a theoretical component, variety
of practices or clerkships (in clinical forensic medicine
and forensic pathology) and therefore promotes a better
understanding of the work of the specialist forensic doctor.
However, there are factors susceptible to teaching
intervention in all universities.
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