2024, Number 2
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2024; 44 (2)
COVID -19 hospital mortality and SARS-COV-2 vaccination influence: a retrospective analysis in a Mexican state cohort
Reyna FJ, Castillo RE, Salyano PYA, Fernández CFJ
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 47-52
PDF size: 242.87 Kb.
Introduction. The end of the COVID-19 health emergency has been declared, the role that vaccination played for
its control must be disseminated to impact the population through policies, strengthening its importance in the
prevention of complications, including death.
Material and methods. Through a case-control study, hospitalized subjects with a diagnosis of moderate to
severe COVID-19 were included. The discharges due to death were considered cases and the controls were subjects
who were discharged due to improvement of the acute condition. A bivariate analysis was used to determine the
factors associated with death from COVID-19 and the odds ratio was calculated.
Results. A total of 29 250 (10.1%) subjects required hospitalization and 13 866 (47.4%) of them died. The highest
percentage were unvaccinated patients with 62.1% and 6 655 (22.7%) had incomplete regimen. The percentage of
vaccination coverage in the group of cases was 5.5%.
Conclusions. 74.4% of deaths from COVID-19 suffered from vaccination to this is added the 20% of those who
presented incomplete scheme. It should not be forgotten however that control of other risk factors is necessary, as
they have been continuously shown to influence an unwanted outcome.
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