2024, Number 2
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2024; 22 (2)
Vitiligo: A disease or syndrome
Navarro JBR
Language: Spanish
References: 58
Page: 169-175
PDF size: 128.90 Kb.
Vitiligo is worldwide skin dyschromia, it affects all races and ages,
with an incidence that varies depending on the population between
1 to 8%, generally accepted between 0.5 to 2%. It is considered
a disease, however, in ancient times it was proposed to
classify it as a syndrome, with the intention of allowing a better
understanding of both concepts, this paper tries to show a general
overview of the notions of both terms, with the purpose of
understanding the concepts they represent; likewise, we present
a brief review of the pathogenesis in vitiligo and its relationship
with various conditions.
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