2022, Number 1
Nursing professional performance in the care of the septic surgical patient
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 423.80 Kb.
Introduction: Surgical intensive care units show, in recent times, an increase in the incidence of septic cases. The nursing professional's performance is essential for the care of these patients.Objective: To characterize the nursing professional’s performance in the care of the septic surgical patient.
Methods: Descriptive and observational study carried out in the intensive care unit of the National Center for Minimal Access Surgery in Havana, from January to August 2020. In the universe of seventeen nurses, a nonprobabilistic intentional sampling of twelve professionals was done. A performance test was performed, in which three dimensions were analyzed: attitude, care provision skills and professional improvement, evaluated. The three dimensions were evaluated with a score range of 0-8. Mean, standard deviation and percentages were calculated under the following scale: inadequate (<30 %), little adequate (30 %-49 %), partially adequate (50 %-69 %), adequate (70 %-89 %) and very adequate (90 %-100 %).
Results: Of the studied professionals, 66.66 % performed adequately and 33.33 % performed partially adequately. In the overall score, the dimension of attitude was rated as adequate, with 85.41 %; however, the dimensions of care provision skills and professional improvement were rated as partially adequate, with 67.08 % and 52.08 %, respectively.
Conclusions: The professionals show an adequate attitude in the care of septic surgical patients. Care provision skills and professional improvement were partially adequate. The most significant deficiencies were found in the competent usage of new technologies, apart from the scarce participation in postgraduate alternatives for professional improvement.
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