2022, Number 2
Affective states of adolescent pregnant women who attended prenatal control in a first-level care institution
Language: Spanish
References: 24
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Introduction: Pregnancy affects adolescents at different degrees, both emotionally and psychosocially. Prenatal care has been recognized as a strategy for reducing maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Even more important is to achieve that pregnant adolescents attend services and have good experiences, in order for them to assume healthy behaviors.Objective: To describe the affective states of pregnant adolescents at the time they attend prenatal care in a first-level care institution from Malambo Municipality, Atlántico Department, Colombia.
Methods: Qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study. Semistructured interviews were conducted and a focus group of fifteen adolescents was created. The information was transcribed, and then data analysis was carried out. The codes were established according to categories that emerged from what was expressed by the pregnant women about their prenatal care experience.
Results: Some pregnant women attended prenatal control since they found support, confidence, information, knowledge and recommendations; they described pleasure in being able to express what they think and feel, in addition to clarifying doubts about their pregnancy.
Conclusions: Adolescent pregnant women, at the time of attending prenatal control, experienced a series of feelings, thoughts and emotions (grief, fear, uncertainty and displeasure); in addition, they recognized prenatal control as a valuable element to achieve their own and their child's wellbeing, with emerging feelings of happiness and responsibility.
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