2022, Number 2
Educative intervention about the Immune benefits of breastfeeding for infants
Language: Spanish
References: 26
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Introduction: Breastfeeding is the most important element for immune strengthening of the infant because it provides IgA, lactoferrin, cytokines, casein and other substances that allow antiinfectious, antimicrobial and trophic action of intestinal growth; thus the integration of the mother-child immune system is achieved.Objective: To evaluate the results of the educational intervention concerning breastfeeding “Un regalo para el recién nacido” [a gift for the newborn], developed with the puerperal women belonging to the basic work group of José Martí outpatient polyclinic.
Methods: A quasiexperimental study of community educational intervention was carried out in Gibara Municipality, eastern Cuba, from July 2019 to February 2020. The universe consisted of 47 puerperal women and 35 patients who met the inclusion, exclusion and exit criteria were selected.
Results: After the intervention was applied, the level of knowledge about the benefits of breastfeeding was adequate, accounting for 97.1 %. Before the intervention, the knowledge and appropriate technical skills for breastfeeding were inadequate, while after the intervention, 100 % of the patients acquired the skill appropriately. The assessment of general knowledge about the benefits of breastfeeding showed that the number of patients with adequate knowledge accounted for 94.3 %.
Conclusions: The educational strategy on breastfeeding was effective because a high level of knowledge and practice was achieved in most women, while almost all the mothers breastfed their infants for at least six months.
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