2017, Number 21
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Inv Ed Med 2017; 6 (21)
High-stakes testing: Educational implications
Sánchez-Mendiola M, Delgado-Maldonado L
Language: Spanish
References: 67
Page: 52-62
PDF size: 326.62 Kb.
Introduction: High-stakes test have a long history in higher education and have contributed
to the scientific development of educational assessment as a sophisticated discipline. Despite
this, controversial reactions have emerged in different sectors of society and education
professionals, questioning its real value and emphasizing its potential negative effects. A balanced
discussion of these issues is needed, grounded in academic arguments about the subject,
specifically in medical education.
Objective: To provide an overview of the educational implications of summative high-stakes
testing, with emphasis on medical education.
Method: Narrative review of the literature. Relevant papers were identified in available databases
of published and grey literature, about high-stakes testing in higher education at the
international and national levels. The focus was on scholarly papers that reported methodology
and results, emphasizing medical education assessment.
Discussion: High-stakes testing has had positive effects on education globally, although important
negative effects have also been reported. There is abundant literature on the subject,
although more than 95% are not formal published research papers, which makes it difficult to
have a reasonable discussion with methodologically grounded academic arguments. The majority
of studies about this theme have been published in the litigious Northamerican context,
it is necessary to perform educational assessment original research in the national and local
contexts, without losing the global perspective.
Conclusion: High-stakes testing have positive and negative effects on the curriculum, teaching
methods and learning strategies. There is a need to use professionally and sensibly the results
of educational testing, incorporating the modern interpretative concept of validity to obtain
appropriate inferences of testing data.
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