2017, Number 21
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Inv Ed Med 2017; 6 (21)
Anxiety of mexican medical school students before starting as pre-registration house officers
Carmona CR, Monterrosas RAM, Navarrete MA, Acosta MEP, Torruco GU
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 42-46
PDF size: 162.76 Kb.
Introduction: Pre-registration medical graduates demonstrate their skills in a hospital as rotation
house-officers, which can cause anxiety. The aim of this study is to quantify anxiety (state
and trait) in students before starting their pre-registration posts in a public medical school in
Mexico, and also to determine if their mean examination grades (GPA) are related to anxiety.
Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted using the IDARE questionnaire,
which assesses Trait anxiety (STAI R) and state (STAI E). It was completed, before starting the
pre-registration house officer rotation in 2014, by students of the Faculty of Medicine, UNAM,
2009 course. Statistical analysis was performed using Student
t test for independent samples,
and Pearson correlation index.
Results: Out of a total number of 1,023 students in 2014, the sampled population was 479
(46.82%), of whom 332 (32.45%) were women and 147 (14.36%) were men. There were 105
(21.82%) students with trait anxiety trait, with a GPA of 84.1, 132 (27.55%) with anxiety state,
with a GPA of 84.0. There were 374 (78.07%) with no anxiety trait, and 347 (72.44%) with no
state anxiety. On comparing state anxiety, the Student
p=.3 (95% CI -1474 to 0.494); the
Pearson correlation index was -0.009,
p=.043. On comparing anxiety state, the Student
p=.236 reported (95% CI -1.46 to 0.360); the Pearson correlation index was -0.08, with a p=.047.
As for the GPA, there was no difference between the different levels of state and trait anxiety.
Conclusions: The trait anxiety level and state is often greater than that reported in the general
population. There was no correlation between the presence of anxiety and mean examination
grades (GPA).
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