2017, Number 21
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Inv Ed Med 2017; 6 (21)
Assessment of multiple-choice questions in medicine. Validity evidence of an instrument
Rivera JJ, Flores HF, Alpuche HA, Martínez GA
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 8-15
PDF size: 193.94 Kb.
Introduction: The appropriate preparation of test ítems of an examination constitutes validity
evidence in itself. Despite there being a general consensus about item-writing guidelines, several
studies report a high incidence of violations of these standards. An instrument is proposed
in order to assess the quality of multiple-choice item-writing, describing the validity evidence
gathering process.
Methods: The validity evidence was gathered on an instrument designed to assess multiple
choice ítems features, according to the sources proposed by the
Standards for Educational and
Psychological Testing, and particularly those related to content, response process, and internal
structure. Kappa index (following Fleiss’ model) and point-biserial correlation coefficient
were used to measure concordance in the criteria assessed by the instrument. An exploratory
factorial analysis was performed to identify the instrument dimensions, and Cronbach’s alpha
was calculated as an internal consistency statistic.
Results: Concordance between multiple judges was greater than 0.8 (almost perfect agreement)
for 12 out of 21 criteria, and 0.19 for Bloom’s taxonomy level. Factorial analysis defined
4 dimensions with Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test =0.666 (p‹.01), explained variance of 49.979%,
and a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.627.
Conclusion: This instrument can be used to assess multiple choice ítems, since it counts with
validity evidence related to content, response process and internal structure, and psychometric
values appropriated for instrumentation.
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