2024, Number 3
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (3)
Heavy drinking in men and women in Honduras: a secondary analysis of the Endesa 2019
Cárcamo-Zepeda E, Valdés-Méndez JA, Torres-Guffanti A, Valencia PD, Cruz-Caraguay M, Rivera-Cazaño CV
Language: English
References: 57
Page: 245-255
PDF size: 290.47 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the prevalence and factors related
to heavy drinking in men and women from Honduras.
Materials and methods. Data from the 2019 National
Demographic and Health Survey were used, and multiple
regression models were applied to determine associated
Results. 2.8% of men and 0.7% of women incurred
in heavy drinking. In men, factors such as age, urban living,
having children but not living with them, being people who
smoke, and physical assault experiences were associated
with a higher likelihood of heavy drinking. For women, higher
education levels, urban living, previous marriage or cohabitation,
wealth quintile, being people who smoke, and physical
assault experiences were linked to a higher prevalence of
heavy drinking.
Conclusions. The findings provide insight
into the issue of excessive alcohol consumption in Honduras
and how various experiential, demographic, and health factors
may influence its occurrence.
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