2022, Number 2
Learning needs about virtual environments of teachers in the faculty of medical sciences ''Calixto García''
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Introduction: Sometimes teachers lack motivation for the incorporation of new teaching techniques, they have minimal or outdated preparation of the advantages of technology. In others, they have instrumental skills for the use of ICTs, but not for their reflective and critical use, receive, process, produce and share information that favors knowledge management.Objective: To determine the learning and/or updating needs of faculty teachers in the use of virtual teaching-learning environments.
Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from September to December 2021. 132 professors from the "Calixto García" Faculty of Medical Sciences participated in the study. A questionnaire created by the authors was applied to each professor. The treatment of the data was carried out using the SPSS system.
Results: Analyzing the level of Skills in Virtual Learning Environments, it should be noted that the Very High level was not found in our study group. According to the teaching category, we should highlight that the Little level of skills was manifested in Full Professor with 81.82%, Assistant Professor with 66.67%, Assistant Professor with 56.25% and in the teaching category of Instructor the Low level prevailed with 64%.
Conclusions: Promote training for the acquisition of skills and abilities in the use of technological tools that support educational processes, raising the quality of education.
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