2022, Number 2
Educational multimedia prototype for teach-learn Indicators of hospital bed resource. Cuba, 2020
Language: Spanish
References: 32
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Introduction: Health Information Systems career is included In the Faculty of Health Technology; the career have in its curriculum subjects as Health Statistics Information Systems, in which the study of hospital resource bed indicators is carried out; the subject is taught in a traditional way and does not have a technological support tool that facilitates the educational process.Objective: To design an educational multimedia prototype that favors self-learning of the indicators of the hospital bed resource in the Health Statistics Information Systems subject of the Health Information Systems career.
Method: A survey of students and interview of teachers permitted to obtain the information needed to carry out a study of technological development using Unified Development Process methodology and Unified Modeling Language; Visual Paradigm tools were used for modeling; Axure for prototyping and Mediator for future multimedia design.
Results: there were identified learning problems from the perspective of students and teachers, which allowed the design of the educational multimedia prototype on hospital bed resource indicators, considering it useful and pertinent.
Conclusions: The design of the educational multimedia prototype, combined with the current teaching method, will facilitate and dynamically carry out the activities in the educational teaching process.
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