2022, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Informática Médica 2022; 14 (2)
Expert system for the diagnosis of depressive disorder based on neural networks
Pocco K
Language: Spanish
References: 40
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This work proposes a diagnostic system for depressive disorder for the Juan Pablo II Health Center where the specialists apply the BDI-II questionnaire (Beck's Depression Inventory) as evaluation method, which limits the diagnostic process because it only contemplates the sum of a score as a final result. Therefore, to improve the evaluation method, the construction of a diagnostic model based on neural networks and the adaptation of the BDI-II collecting questionnaire items associated with their respective established factors: emotional, cognitive, physical and motivation, being the input variables of the first layer, having three hidden layers and finally an output layer will be sought with the general and specific diagnosis that details the result of the patient so that the specialist can make a personalized treatment plan that better adjusts to the patient needs.
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