2024, Number 2
A review of experimental studies on hepatotoxicity related to acrylamide exposure
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 35-46
PDF size: 440.80 Kb.
Introduction: Acrylamide is a toxic compound that can be formed in foods prepared at high temperatures; chronic exposure to it causes neurotoxicity, genotoxicity, and it is consider as a potential carcinogenic. Liver is the main organ that metabolizes acrylamide and there, acrylamide and its metabolites can cause damage and chronic inflammation that might trigger serious pathologies.Objective: To analyze the most recent information regarding hepatotoxicity associated with the ingestion of acrylamide.
Material and method: A journal search was conducted in PubMed, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar, using MeSH terms: liver, toxicity, acrylamide, oxidative stress, Wistar Rat and Booleans: “and”, “or”, “not”, and considering articles from 2018, selecting those that described in its content data related keywords.
Results: Hepatotoxicity due to exposure to acrylamide is related to alterations in oxidative stress biomarkers, changes in metabolomics and autophagy processes, inflammasome activation, and stereological and histological modifications.
Conclusion: The updated information in the available literature demonstrates that hepatotoxicity associated with acrylamide consumption is underlain by various cellular mechanisms in which oxidative stress is generally involved, therefore the approach to develop strategies to understand and reduce the impact of exposure must consider these aspects.
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