2024, Number 2
Analysis of the relationship between sarcopenia and depressive symptoms in older adults: a scoping review
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 23-34
PDF size: 389.69 Kb.
Introduction: Sarcopenia is one of the main physical alterations in the elderly, being an important cause for the decrease and loss of functional capacity. For its part, depression constitutes one of the most prevalent mental disorders within the geriatric population and has been identified as a significant cause of disability.Objective: Analyze the current evidence available regarding the relationship between sarcopenia and depression in the geriatric population.
Material and method: A scoping review of the literature published between January 2020 and March 2024 was prepared in the geriatric population. The search was carried out in the PubMed, ScienceDirect and Scielo databases.
Results: Most of the included studies found significant associations between sarcopenia and depression in older adults, proposing possible endocrine and lifestyle mechanisms through which these conditions could be related.
Conclusion: There is extensive evidence that relates sarcopenia to depression in older adults; however, research on the analysis of causality between the variables is limited, evidencing the importance of generating new lines of research that analyze the association between health mental and physical of the older adult.
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