2024, Number 2
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Rev Biomed 2024; 35 (2)
Knowledge and attitudes towards antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance in the Veracruz population
Sarmiento-Cruz M, Rentería-Hernández M, Torres-Hernández RM, Hernández-Romano PA, López-Balderas NA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 85-93
PDF size: 588.05 Kb.
Introduction. The increase in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is
a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the health care systems
worldwide. The excessive use of antibiotics and the lack of knowledge
in population contributes with the appearance, persistence and
transmission of resistant bacteria.
Objective. To analyze the level of knowledge about the use of
antibiotics and AMR, and its association with the attitudes and habits
of responsible consumption of antibiotics by the adult population of
the Veracruz-Boca del Rio metropolitan area.
Material and methods. Observational and cross-sectional study,
in which 400 surveys were carried out evaluating knowledge about
antibiotics and AMR, attitudes, antibiotic consumption, and access to
information related to AMR.
Results. About 27% had a sufficient level of knowledge about AMR
and antibiotic consumption, while 59.8% obtained a regular level and
13.3% an insufficient level. More than 60% consumed antibiotics in
the last six months, mainly from the private sector (67.5%). The higher
level of knowledge was associated with higher education (p‹0.023),
older age (p‹0.001), occupation (p‹0.001), and have received
information in the last year (p‹0.001). Health personnel were the main
source of information (55.5%).
Conclusions. Most of the respondents had a regular or sufficient level
of knowledge, however, misconceptions and inappropriate attitudes
of relevance were identified, so AMR information among young
people should be improved, through digital and
social media to improve knowledge and antibiotic
consumption habits.
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