2024, Number 4
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Arch Med Fam 2024; 26 (4)
Medical Errors During Residency: the Challenge of Ensuring an Appropriate Environment for Postgraduate Medical Training
Chávez CA, Aguirre VAF, Fernández OMÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 203-209
PDF size: 272.67 Kb.
According to data from the World Health Organization
in 2021, one in ten people who received health
care suffered damage from medical errors and more
than three million died from the same cause around
the world. Half of these damages occurred mainly in
primary care and 80% could have been preventable.
In Mexico, the National Medical Arbitration Commission
reported that in 2023 the specialties with the
highest number of complaints due to medical incidents
emergencies, orthopedics, dentistry and
general surgery. Through the training work carried
out by resident doctors, under the supervision of
more experienced teaching colleagues, residents are
exposed to:
long work hours, stress, fatigue and increasing
responsibilities, which can trigger lower academic
performance, burnout syndrome, depression or
other pathologies, in addition to increasing the probability
of making errors in clinical practice.
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