2022, Number 2
Success of pre-professional practices: ¿What does it depend on?
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 908.93 Kb.
Introduction: Professional training continues to be one of the critical factors for the analysis of the relationship between the quality of education and the teachers’ professional performance, including pre-professional practices as an essential link in this relationship.Objective: To analyze how the process of management and development of pre-professional practices is carried out by educational institutions in an attempt to prove the possibility of the existence of a model that establishes the specificity of such relevant activity.
Material and Methods: A bibliographic and documentary search that included “pre-professional practices” as our study variable was carried out on 70 articles belonging to Scopus, Scielo, Dialnet and ERIHPLUS databases. All the articles were inductively analyzed. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the study was undertaken to address the topic in a total of 26 articles.
Results: A description of data is established among indexed journals that explain the main characteristics of pre-professional practices in the general educational field and the higher medical education which go from their conception and organization until their evaluation. The generating role of this important activity in the training process of future professionals, as well as its shortcomings and limitations are explained. This is an urgent issue to be solved by the centers of higher education with the consequent and necessary creation of administrative models aimed at guiding such a praiseworthy task.
Conclusions: The medical education should consider new forms of teaching and learning aimed at improving the rotating internship, which has been evidenced during the course of the pandemic. Administrative, management, unique models, as well as others that meet the criteria to implement such a valuable program or guide the above-mentioned activity have not been observed in our analysis.
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