2022, Number 2
Endothelial dependence of the effect of 3% camphenol plus on arterial vascular smooth muscle
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 792.56 Kb.
Introduction: Camphenol plus is a chlorinated phenol derivative commonly used as intracanal medication during pulporradicular treatments in Dentistry. Studies in relation to its effects on arterial vascular smooth muscle and the involvement of the endothelium in them are scarce.Objective: To determine the endothelial dependence of the effect of 3 % camphenol plus on arterial vascular smooth muscle.
Material and Methods: A preclinical experimental research was carried out using 26 external carotid artery rings devoid of vascular endothelium. The preparations made were placed in an organ bath, recording the tension developed by the vascular smooth muscle after the addition of acetylcholine, as well as 3 % Camphenol plus solutions during different intervals of time. The dependence between both tensions was determined through a simple linear regression model.
Results: After pre-activation with Krebs concentrated potassium ion solution, the addition of 10 μl of acetylcholine and 3 % camphenol plus induced a discrete but significant vasorelaxation of the vascular smooth muscle. The linear regression model developed demonstrated the dependence between the variables tension produced by acetylcholine and tension produced by the drug at the tenth minute, corroborating the involvement of the vascular endothelium in that vasorelaxant effect.
Conclusions: It is concluded that 3 % Camphenol plus in vitro, produced a vasorelaxant effect on the smooth muscle of external carotid rings dependent on endothelium and from a relaxing or hiperpolarizing factor derived from it.
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