2023, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (4)
Level of peritraumatic istress in university nursing students during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Lara BAM, Pineda OJ, Rocha LEA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1292-1307
PDF size: 264.80 Kb.
The lockdown was a strategy to stop the spread of COVID-19;
however, it was an important generator of peritraumatic distress, the
objective of the research was: identify the level of peritraumatic
distress from COVID-19 in nursing students. Correlational study,
convenience sampling, 104 students from the 7O and 8O semesters,
variables: sociodemographic and peritraumatic distress due to
COVID-19. In Google Forms, the COVID-19 peritraumatic distress
index instrument, Cronbach´s Alpha .703, 24 items in four
dimensions: negative mood, behavioral changes, and cognitive
abilities. Tiredness and hyperreactivity and somatization, was
applied with prior informed consent, absence if distress was
considered score equal to or less than 28, mild to moderate 29 to 51
and severe, equal to or greater than 53, database SPSS-V25,
descriptive statistics and X2 were applied. An average age of 23
years was obtained, 70.2% female, 85% presented absence of
distress, 13.5% mild to moderate and 1.0% severe, when
associating X2 level of distress with sex and semester,
independence of the variables was shown. Even though the level of
mild to moderate and severe distress occurs in one seventh of the
students, it is necessary to implement actions to improve physical
and mental health.
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