2023, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (4)
Impairment of cold executive functions in adolescents with criminal antisocial behavior
Orozco CGM, Alvear VT
Language: Spanish
References: 59
Page: 1109-1131
PDF size: 295.70 Kb.
Antisocial-criminal behavior is related to alterations in the brain's
feedback processing circuit in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
(DLPFC). The CPDL is responsible for cognitive functions: working
memory, cognitive flexibility, and execution of problem-solving
strategies, also called cold executive functions. In Mexico, there is a
need to evaluate and know the neuropsychological status of
individuals with antisocial-criminal behavior to improve treatment in
juvenile delinquency. The objective is to compare cognitive functions
dependent on CPFDL and antisocial-criminal behavior in two groups
of adolescents, the first belonging to a social reintegration center
and the second composed of control adolescents. A total of 52
adolescents who were part of two groups were evaluated, men from
14 to 18 years of age, with schooling from 5 to 11 years The
Antisocial-Criminal Behavior Questionnaire and tasks of the CPFDL
of the Frontal Lobes and Executive Functions Battery
neuropsychological battery were applied. Significant differences
were found between groups in maze tasks, self-directed pointing,
consecutive addition, subtraction, card classification, verbal fluency,
and working memory. In conclusion, the group of the social
reintegration center presented mostly criminal behaviors and
difficulties in planning, visuospatial and verbal working memory,
mental flexibility, and verbal fluency showing the deterioration in the
executive functions of the CPDL.
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