2022, Number 2
Impact of the Master’s Degree Course in Minimal Access Surgery on Sustainable Development Goals
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 320.09 Kb.
Introduction: The program of the Master's degree in Minimal Access Surgery responds to social needs and perspectives of the national health system. The results of its research have an impact on Sustainable Development Goals 3, "Good health and well-being", and 4, "Quality education".Objective: To present how the Master's Degree Course in Minimal Access Surgery impacts on sustainable development, upon the base of the researches conducted.
Methods: A qualitative and retrospective research was carried out at the National Center for Minimal Access Surgery. The research technique used was the document and bibliographic analysis, with the review of the reports of the final master's theses and the self-evaluation of the program, in its first two editions (2015 and 2018), according to the Evaluation and Accreditation System for Master's Degree Programs.
Results: The program had 30 graduates, whose researches addressed, among other topics, the laparoscopic treatment of cancer. Also, the scientific production in the Edition 02 turned out to be one hundred publications, 159 relevant social recognitions, and the edition of three books.
Conclusions: Research and the creation of knowledge and innovation in the Master's Degree Program in Minimal Access Surgery have allowed fostering sustainable development solutions in this area of knowledge. The scientific production and the socialization of the results obtained in national and international events favor their implementation in the national health system. Thus, the research results of the program contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
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