2022, Number 2
Quality of the evaluation in the dental medicine major in the period 2014-2021
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 277.12 Kb.
Introduction: An increase in the enrollment acceptance for the dental medicine major and the creation of new decentralized teaching settings have become challenges with respect to the training of students. The state examination certifies the competence of graduates.Objective: To compare the results of the final evaluation corresponding to the subject of Comprehensive Population Care with the results of the first call for the state examination corresponding to the dental medicine major in the context of decentralized teaching settings of Plaza de la Revolución Municipality, Havana, Cuba.
Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional research was carried out with the results of the first call for the state examination corresponding to the dental medicine major in the period 2014-2021, in the context of decentralized teaching settings of Plaza de La Revolución Municipality. The final results were compared with the final scores corresponding to the subject of Comprehensive Population Care. The universe of students (161) were included. Integer numbers and percentages were used.
Results: The results corresponding to the subject of Comprehensive Population Care were slightly higher than the results obtained in the state examination. Both were characterized by predominantly high performance scores, accounting for 69.5 % and 57.1 %, respectively.
Conclusions: The satisfactory quality of the teaching results corresponding to the final exams for the subject of Comprehensive Population Care and the state examination maintained a tendency of improving scores in the last three academic years.
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