2022, Number 2
Conceptual diagrams used with university students as a strategy for learning Inferential Statistics
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 322.17 Kb.
Introduction: Conceptual diagrams as a strategy for learning inferential statistics develop cognitive processes, structuring conceptual topics on the basis of intellectual operations.Objective: To determine the effect of conceptual diagrams as a didactic strategy for the learning of inferential statistics by students from the fourth cycle of the professional major of Psychology at Los Andes Peruvian University.
Methods: An experimental research was carried out, together with a longitudinal, preexperimental, pre-test/post-test design. The sample consisted of sixteen students from the fourth cycle of the professional major in Psychology, enrolled in the Inferential Statistics subject. The topics about population and sample, as well as statistical estimation, were tested. An objective test of ten items measured on a ratio scale was applied. The data were processed using descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing.
Results: Regarding the population and sample item, the significance of the difference in means between pre-test and post-test was demonstrated, being t cal =4.7, a value higher than t crit =2.04, and α=0.05. In the second phase, the topic was statistical estimation, for which the difference in means between pre-test and post-test resulted to be significant, because t cal =8.6, a value higher than t crit =2.04, by accepting the alternative hypothesis.
Conclusions: Conceptual diagrams as a strategy for learning inferential statistics created expectations among students, who achieved their learning significantly. The need to apply the model systematically and continuously was recognized, given that a better level of apprehension of statistical knowledge is obtained.
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