2022, Number 2
Human Ontogeny and Osteomioarticular System: evolution in the medical plans of study C, D and E
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1-23
PDF size: 492.67 Kb.
Introduction: For the training of the general physician with a broad profile needed by the Cuban society, basic biomedical sciences contribute to the bases of scientific foundation, medical thinking and clinical practice, as well as attitudes, convictions and values, in correspondence with the tendencies of contemporary higher education. Its evolution in the Cuban medical major has included an update of the design and didactics of the discipline and subjects.Objective: To carry out a critical analysis of the analytical syllabus of the subject Ontogeny and Osteomioarticular System in the study plans C, D and E.
Methods: A descriptive and qualitative study was carried out. Document analysis, systematization, analysis and synthesis were used for the subjects’ syllabi, as well as for the bibliographic reviews on the topic. The results were represented comparatively in figures and tables.
Results: The aspects of the program that underwent major changes were the system of skills, distribution of time, teaching organization forms, as well as teaching and extracurricular strategies. Some modifications were introduced, but other were maintained from previous designs, in the objectives and evaluation system. The least modified aspects were content and bibliography.
Conclusions: The changes in the subject’s design have gradually included the orientation towards primary healthcare, the recovery of practical activities, problem-solving teaching, the use of the living organism as a teaching aid, technologies, and the student's protagonism in the construction of his or her knowledge.
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