2023, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (3)
Family education: an overview of gender roles in university students
Zarza PMM, Franco AD
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1077-1091
PDF size: 328.65 Kb.
This article pretends to identify gender roles through family education, to reach the goal, a descriptive method was used, under the interpretative paradigm, supported by the phenomenological method. The sample was made up to 118 university students assigned to a public institution, two instruments were used to collect the data: a quiz with 18 open questions to identify the students’ sociodemographic profile and a Likert-type scale on education family and gender roles, both of explores nature. The analysis and interpretation of the data was carried out using the Microsoft Excel program. Based on the research, contrasting results were obtained by students’ answers, in general, they fully agree that there is a difference between sex and gender; that marriage implies a greater loss of independence for women; in disagreement with the female model established by religion, based on some values and principles; and against the unjustified causes dismissal on females at enterprises. Among the conclusions obtained through the results’ interpretation, it is inferred that, in general, the sample believes that education is necessary for the development of intellectual and social capacities, in addition to recognizing that gender roles are fundamental in cultural representation and social context.
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